The Innovation and Digital Transformation theme encompasses a wide range of expertise and disciplines, including public administration, law, economics, education, management, industrial relations, public health, information technology and urban planning. This multidisciplinarity allows us to approach the determinants and impacts of innovation and digital transformation from several angles.
The work focuses in particular on the impact of digital transformation on the labour market, the determinants of open innovation or the repercussions of the use of artificial intelligence on the competitiveness of Quebec industries. The role of innovation in supporting productivity growth is also increasingly studied.
The research team under this theme works in collaboration with its partners (IVADO, OBVIA and 4POINT0) to answer the many questions raised by digital transformation and to make appropriate recommendations on the best strategies for individuals, companies and governments to adapt to these changes.
Although transversal to several research themes, the Digital Intelligence Pole is closely linked to this major theme.