
Digital inclusion, deployment of new technologies, management of technological projects, smart cities and objects, intellectual disability


CIRANO Publications by Alejandro Romero-Torres

As an author

CIRANO Projects

The impact of the use of digital technologies on the evolution of project management work practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from experience

L’impact de l’usage de technologies numériques sur l’évolution des pratiques de travail en gestion de projets lors de la pandémie de la COVID-19 : leçons de l’expérience - Publié le August 19, 2021

Alejandro Romero-Torres, Thibaut Coulon, Carl St-Pierre, Julie Deslile, Marie-Pierre Leroux, Marie-Douce Primeau

Digital Transformation

The trajectory of use of innovations as a lever for the appropriation by patients and professionals of new technologies and practices in health care

La trajectoire d’appropriation comme levier de l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans les organisations de soins et services aux populations - Publié le June 18, 2021

Alejandro Romero-Torres, Lise Boudreault, Philippe Doyon-Poulin

Innovation, Health