Organized by CIRANO, CIREQ and CIRPÉE
Organizers: Ming Li (Concordia University, CIREQ, CIRANO), Arianna Degan (Université du Québec à Montréal), Tymofiy Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh and Kyiv School of Economics) and Huan Xie (Concordia University, CIREQ,CIRANO)
Many economic and social situations feature a divergence between information and decision-making power. In such situations, the informed party may, through a variety of channels and methods, convey information to the uninformed party, so as to influence the latter’s decision. In recent decades, economics has turned its attention to formal analysis of strategic communication and persuasion. The focus is on the limits and potentials of communication and persuasion, as well as ways to enhance them so as to improve information transmission and decision-making. This year’s program included both theory and experiments, with considerable focus on the application to the conduct of scientific research and its influence of public policy.