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Preview of the launch of the 2022-2023 annual theme: Facing the Challenges of Supply Chains


Thursday 7 Jul 2022
From 11:30AM To 1:30PM

The pandemic, the shortage of work force, the climatic challenges as well as the economic situation linked to the war in Ukraine are as many factors which impact the supply chains of the whole world! 

Given this context, CIRANO has chosen the theme «Meeting the challenges of supply chains» as annual theme for the year 2022-2023.

At the launch of the annual theme on July 7 at CIRANO, researchers specialized in this field addressed different topics around two round tables:


1) The stakes of supply chains


2) War in Ukraine and the effects of uncertainty on the economy


For further information, please contact Sarah Elimam (sarah.elimam@cirano.qc.ca).

Matthieu Arseneau

Deputy Chief Economist at National Bank Financial


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Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2003, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin has been President and Chief Executive Officer of CIRANO since 2016, has been leading the Baromètre CIRANO project on risk perception in Quebec, which annually collects data on Quebecers' concerns on 47 social issues since 2011, is responsible of the CIRANO Pole on the Socio-economic Impacts of Digital Intelligence and Main Researcher of the theme Innovation and Digital Transformation. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin is Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal. She is also a Visiting Scientist at Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health and an associate researcher at the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO).

Holding a Ph.D. in Management Science (in risks and insurance management) from École normale supérieure de Cachan, her research interests focus on risk management and decision-making in different risks and uncertainty contexts as well as public policies. Her research combines economic analysis, cost-benefit analysis, survey data analysis, and more recently massive unstructured data analysis.

In 2008 she created the RISQH network to raise awareness and share experiences on risks management, and patient safety and quality of care in health care facilities.

She participated in the creation of the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of AI.

She is also co-PI of the "Monitoring and Surveys" function at the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology.

She has published numerous scientific articles, several books and more than 30 reports for government and other organizations. She has given more than a hundred conferences and is regularly solicited to speak in the media.

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Étienne Lalé

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2017, Étienne Lalé is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at York University in Toronto.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Sciences Po Paris, his research focuses on macroeconomics and labour economics, with a special interest in understanding cyclical and secular fluctuations in labor markets. His current work analyses the equilibrium and welfare effects of employment protection; the determinants of worker reallocation across occupations; the cyclical behaviour of hours and employment; long-run changes in labor market dynamics.

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Julien Martin

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2015, Main Researcher of the theme World Economy, Julien Martin is a full professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG-UQAM). He holds the UQAM Strategic Research Chair on the local impact of multinational firms. He is also affiliated with ENSAE-CREST, a researcher at CEPR and serves as an associate editor for the European Economic Review.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics, his research interests are related to international trade and macroeconomics. His research exploits firm-level data to examine various topics including international economics, corporate taxation, and urban economics.

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Florian Mayneris

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2017, Florian Mayneris is a full professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics, his fields of specialization are international trade and urban economics. His research focuses more specifically on the determinants of the economic performance of firms and regions, and on the impact evaluation of regional and industrial policies.

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Marie-France Paquet

Marie-France Paquet is the Chief Economist and Director General, Trade Analysis Bureau, at Global Affairs Canada since September 2017. As Chief Economist, she leads a team of analysts in reporting and advising on international trade, investment and economic issues. Current economic research and analysis projects include the impact of trade agreements on labor and gender, the determinants of export for SMEs, the impact of the Trade Commissioner Services on Canadian exporters’ performance, or the impact of foreign direct investment on the economy.

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Dalibor Stevanovic

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2011, responsible of the CIRANO Pole on Modeling and Main Researcher of the theme Economic and Fiscal Policy, Dalibor Stevanovic is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal and co-holder of the Chair in Macroeconomics and Forecasting at ESG-UQAM.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Université de Montréal, his research interests are time series econometrics, automatic learning and massive data, with applications in macroeconomics and finance.

After a bachelor's and master's degree in economics from Université Laval in Quebec City, Dalibor Stevanovic obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Jean-Marie Dufour and Jean Boivin. He then did a postdoctoral fellowship as part of the Max Weber programme at the European University Institute in Florence.

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Thierry Warin

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2001, Main Researcher of the theme World Economy, Researcher in charge of Mondo.international, Thierry Warin is Full Professor in the Department of International Business at HEC Montréal. He has a Professorship in Data Science for International Business. He is President of the International Trade and Finance Association, Member of the board of editors of International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar, Researcher at CERIUM-CEUE (Université de Montréal) and President and co-founder of the NGO Ed' Haïti.

Holding a Ph.D. in Monetary Economics and Finance from ESSEC Business School, his research is mainly on international economics and finance topics, with a particular focus on the European economic integration, while using Data Science as his main methodological approach.

Thierry Warin was Full Professor at SKEMA Business School Raleigh (Founder and Director of the SKEMA Global Lab in AI), Associate Professor at Polytechnique Montréal (Director of the International Projects Program), Associate Professor at Middlebury College (Director of the International Studies and IPE program) and Academic Director at SIE-Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou.

An alumnus of the Salzburg Global Seminar, a former Visiting Scholar at the Minda De Gunzburg Center for European Studies (Harvard University, 2005) and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Harvard University, 2015-2017), he has authored numerous academic publications and books or special issues.

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11:30 - 12:00
Welcome and lunch
12:00 - 12:01
A word of welcome
12:01 - 12:03
Presentation of the panelists of the 1st round table
12:03 - 12:46
The challenges of supply chains
12:46 - 12:48
Presentation of the panelists of the 2nd round table
12:48 - 13:30
War in Ukraine and the effects of uncertainty on the economy


1130 Rue Sherbrooke O #1400, Montréal, QC H3A 2M8, Canada