514-985-4000 p3124


Financial evaluation, asset management, risk management, quantitative methods in finance


Molivann Panot is Project Director at the CIRANO Pole on Data Science for Trade and Intermodal Transportation (GVCdtLAB), and is in charge of coordinating the team dedicated to the implementation of the digital twin of trade and transportation networks for the binational Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River region, and the associated GLSL dataHub data and visualization infrastructure.

He holds a master's degree in management from NEOMA Business School (formerly École supérieure de commerce de Reims, France), with a specialization in finance and auditing. He completed a semester of post-graduate studies at RWTH Aachen (Germany), focusing on corporate finance and financial markets. He is also a graduate of HEC Montréal's DESS Professions financières (financial analysis, risk management, portfolio optimization, econometrics), a program for which he was awarded a scholarship of excellence.

His professional experience began in banking in Strasbourg, serving a clientele of transnational French and German companies. He has been working at CIRANO since 2015 on a wide range of economics topics, and has contributed to the development of several research projects and initiatives.

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CIRANO Publications by Molivann Panot

As an author

1 to 5 of 11 results

Obstacles et incitatifs à l’adoption des technologies innovantes dans le secteur minier québécois

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, François Vaillancourt, Ingrid Peignier, Molivann Panot, Thomas Gleize, Simon Losier and 1 other authors


La diplomatie à l’heure de la science des données : réflexions stratégiques et perspectives

Thierry Warin, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Sarah Elimam, Molivann Panot and Jeremy Schneider

International Development, Data Sciences and Digital Transformation

Améliorer les compétences en mathématiques au Québec: Cinq recommandations tirées d’En avant math !

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Molivann Panot, Genevieve Dufour and Louise Poirier

Human Capital, Skills, Education and Labour Market

État des lieux et recommandations stratégiques pour favoriser le développement des talents en mathématiques au Québec

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot and Louise Poirier

Skills, Labour Market and Digital Transformation

Modélisation de règles budgétaires pour l’après-COVID

Bryan Campbell, Michel Magnan, Benoit Perron and Molivann Panot

Covid-19 and Taxation and Fiscal Policy

CIRANO Projects

Economic impacts of hydrological changes on maritime traffic and international trade in the St. Lawrence basin: a digital twin approach

Thierry Warin, Molivann Panot, Aïchata Kone

Data Sciences

The emerging bioeconomy: implications for the development of the Quebec labor market

Bryan Campbell, Michel Magnan, Robert Normand, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot

Labour Market

Carrefour de science des données et de transfert de connaissances pour le commerce et le transport intermodal dans le Corridor Saint-Laurent/Grands Lacs (SLGL)

Thierry Warin, Lucien Chaffa, Jeremy Schneider, Aïchata Kone, Mohammed Bilal Siddika, Molivann Panot, Martin Trépanier, Loubna Benabbou, Sarah Elimam

Training in economics: the state of play

Dalibor Stevanovic, Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot, Nicolas Charette

Barriers and Incentives to the Adoption of Innovative Technologies in the Quebec Mining Sector: A Focus on Investor Decision-Making in an ESG Context

Obstacles et incitatifs à l’adoption des technologies innovantes dans le secteur minier québécois - Publié le May 3, 2024

François Vaillancourt, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier, Molivann Panot, Thomas Gleize, Uther De Charbon


The Transport and Trade Data Crossroad for the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway Pole

Thierry Warin, Alain Dudoit, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Molivann Panot, Thibault Sénegas, Jeremy Schneider

Data Sciences

Status report and strategic recommendations to foster the development of mathematical talent in Quebec

État des lieux et recommandations stratégiques pour favoriser le développement des talents en mathématiques au Québec - Publié le February 17, 2023

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Louise Poirier, Genevieve Dufour, Molivann Panot, Laïla Oubenaïssa


Saint-Lawrence seaway - great lakes corridor’s intermodal transportation and trade data strategy - A transversal and multidisciplinary analysis of the situation : challenges/opportunitiesand recommandations

Towards a multi-stakeholder Intermodal Trade-Transportation Data-Sharing and Knowledge Exchange Network - Publié le December 15, 2021

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Alain Dudoit, Thierry Warin, Ari Van Assche, Molivann Panot

Innovation, Digital Transformation

Consulting mandate of scientific experts CIRANO: Revival of the economy and food autonomy

The Sustainability, Traceability and Succession of the Quebec Agri-Food Sector Depends on an Acceleration of Digitization - Publié le March 10, 2021

Annie Royer, Michel Poitevin, Patrick Mundler, Henri-Paul Rousseau, Ingrid Peignier, Molivann Panot, Christophe Mondin, Elizabeth Brisebois-Lacoste, Meryem Bezzaz, Bignon Aurelas Tohon


Dairy industry 4.0 potential benefits and challenges

Gouvernance des données au sein de l’industrie laitière québécoise : perceptions et enjeux - Publié le April 9, 2020

Annie Royer, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier, Christophe Mondin, Molivann Panot

Agriculture, Data Sciences