Mesure intégrée du risque dans les organisations

Under the direction of Benoit A. Aubert and Jean-Grégoire Bernard

Organizations, whether private or public, local or global, diversified or not, operate in constantly changing environments, making the analysis and management of risk-performance relationships crucial. Risk management requires financial, technological and organizational measures to modify the relationship between environmental turbulence and variability in outcomes. Hence the importance of an integrated vision of organizational risks. The challenge of integration is to expand the areas of use of existing techniques, identify gaps and develop new measurement tools. This book is part of this trend, which first presents the measures used in various fields before dealing successively with financial risks, project management risks, contractual risks, major industrial risks, human health risks and environmental risks. After presenting the different modes of integration, the authors describe and analyze the case of a company that must evaluate an expansion project, taking into account this concept and practice of integrated risk measurement.

Published by Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, ISBN 2-7606-1966-4; 524 pages; price: $69.95

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