Déclaration des incidents et des accidents dans les centres hospitaliers - Analyse critique du rapport d'incident/accident AH-223 et évaluation de la structure de gestion des rapports
Reporting incidents and accidents is part of a continuous quality improvement process. The data collected through that process must be genuine and usable in order to understand what has really happened and to put forward adapted corrective measures. In the first part of this report, we will define the methodology of our critical analysis of the incidents and accidents report in Quebec hospitals. We will then briefly overview the history of the AH-223 incident/accident report and discuss its original purpose. Third, we will review section by section the AH-223 form originally proposed by MSSS. We will analyze the information that it collects and its uses, and we will also suggest several modifications. In conclusion, we will make recommendations and propose some leads to review form AH-223 as well as the report management system.
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