CIRANO and the Centre de recherches mathématiques are partners in En avant math!, a national initiative to promote mathematics and increase numeracy. Over the past three years, several studies have identified possible solutions to ensure the development of a highly qualified workforce in applied mathematics and to promote a better match between the skills of individuals and the needs of the labour market, particularly in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics sectors.
In this issue of CIRANO's PERSPECTIVES, the authors present the main lessons learned from the first phase of En avant math !
Five recommendations emerge from this work:
- To ensure that future elementary school teachers have the knowledge necessary to teach mathematics at the preschool and elementary levels and develop a positive attitude towards mathematics
- Implement early numeracy and mathematics promotion initiatives, including initiatives that improve girls' perceptions of their mathematical abilities well before Sec IV
- Provide students with opportunities to learn about various environments and be exposed to the full range of choices available to them and provide them with clear, current and accurate information about their chances of success and the gains associated with different career paths
- Address the gender gap in numeracy skills to help reduce gender wage inequality
- Ensure that governments play their informational role in identifying skills in demand and facilitating the matching of workers who want to upgrade their skills with the relevant training available to them