Le Québec économique 10 - Chapitre 6 - Pénuries de main-d’œuvre au Québec : le cas de l’industrie de la restauration et de l’hôtellerie
By 2021, just 18 months after the start of the pandemic, the Quebec labour market was surprisingly strong in most industries. This has led to a labour shortage that is much talked about but rarely addressed in terms of wage growth. This is particularly the case in the restaurant and hospitality industry. One explanation is that many of those who worked in this industry found employment in other sectors during the extended shutdown and are no longer available to work there. This coincides with the rapid decline in nonemployment in 2020 in this industry, even though the level of employment has not reached its pre-crisis level. Given the low levels of compensation in this industry, the departures can also be seen as a reallocation to more productive and higher-paying industries. None of this suggests an urgent need for policy interventions.