Since the beginning of January 2022, a team of researchers composed of David Boisclair, Professor HEC Montreal, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Professor at the University of Montreal, CIRANO Researcher and Fellow, Vincent Boucher Professor at the University of Laval, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin Professor at Polytechnique Montreal, CIRANO researcher, Fellow and CEO , Pierre-Carl Michaud Professor HEC, CIRANO Researcher and Fellow, Ingrid Peignier CIRANO Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization and Alexandre Pud'Homme research professional at CIRANO is conducting a weekly study to estimate the incidence of COVID-19 in Quebec.
In the May 17 webinar, these experts explained the different estimation methods used to produce their weekly reports (direct sampling estimate on the adult population as well as an indirect sampling estimate based on the network scale-up method) and presented the results of 17 consecutive weeks of data collection.