Ingrid Peignier, Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization at CIRANO, Verena Gruber, Professor at HEC Montréal, and Charlotte Dubuc, Master's Student at HEC Montréal and Intern at CIRANO, presented the highlights of the CIRANO report "Analyse des motivations d’achat de camions légers au Canada".
The main objective of the report was to investigate the motivations, attitudes and contextual factors that influence vehicle choices among Canadians, with a focus on light trucks such as SUVs. The presenters presented the results of a multi-method analysis that includes a cross-Canada online survey of a representative sample of 1,377 Canadians and qualitative research involving in-depth interviews and focus groups across Canada. Together, these analyses allowed us to identify and better understand the key factors that affect individuals' vehicle preferences. Several potentially interesting levers for raising consumer awareness of the effects of fuel-inefficient vehicles will be presented. Some of these levers have been tested in a confirmatory study, and initial results from these experiments will be presented.
This study is part of a larger research project coordinated by Équiterre whose main objective is to understand Canadians' preference for fuel-efficient vehicles and the factors (political, economic, social, etc.) that contribute to the increase in sales of these types of vehicles in Canada.