
Decentralization and federalism, territorial organization of local authorities, local public finance management, public financing of social insurance, public debt, financing of environmental services


A CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow since 2017, Bernard Dafflon is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Political Economy at the University of Fribourg.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Fribourg, his research interests are decentralization and federalism, territorial organization of local authorities, local public finance management, public financing of social insurance, public debt and financing of environmental services.

From 1977 to 1990, he was responsible for the department of municipalities of the Canton of Friborg and, as such, has acquired a solid experience in the practice of local public finances.

He has published in French and English several books, including collective works, and has written several articles on public finance and fiscal federalism, as well as numerous case studies and monographs on decentralization and communal management.

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CIRANO Publications by Bernard Dafflon

As an author

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Le Québec économique 6 : Le défi des infrastructures

Marcelin Joanis, Andrés Ardila, Josée Beaudoin, Laurent-David Beaulieu, Dorothée Boccanfuso, Bernard Boire, Stéphanie Boulenger, Jean-Philippe Charron, Jean-Claude Cloutier, Bernard Dafflon, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Clélia Desmettre, Kodjovi M. Eklou, Étienne Farvaque, Mario Fortin, Richard Gagné, Roger Galipeau, Stéphanie Lapierre, Geneviève Lefebvre, Jean-Philippe Meloche, Mathieu Paquet, Ingrid Peignier, Serge Pourreaux, Diane Riopel, Luc Savard, Alexandre Skerlj, François Vaillancourt and 22 other authors

Experimental Economics, Strategy and International Economy and Infrastructures