
Empirical industrial organization, regulation and competition policy, health economics, economics of the pharmaceutical sector


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2016, Main Researcher of the theme Competition, Laura Lasio is Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at McGill University.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Toulouse School of Economics, her research interests are empirical industrial organization, regulation and competition policy, health economics, pharmaceutical economics and digital platforms and markets.

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CIRANO Publications by Laura Lasio

As an author

CIRANO Projects

Reducing the time to negotiate new reimbursable drugs in Canadian provinces: health and public expenditure effects

Réduction des délais de négociation des nouveaux médicaments dans les provinces canadiennes : effets sur la santé et sur les dépenses publiques - Publié le December 17, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Laura Lasio, Yanick Labrie, Mike Benigeri
