
Economics of health care, economics of physician markets, industrial organization, applied econometrics


A CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow since 1999, Pierre-Thomas Léger is Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also Director of the Ph.D. Program and Chair of the Committee on Research there. He is also a Research Associate at the Centre pour la recherche économique et ses applications (CEPREMAP) and a member of the Canadian Centre for Health Economics (CCHE).

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Western Ontario, he specializes in the health economics with special emphasis on the physicians’ market and physician payment incentives.

Pierre-Thomas Léger held visiting positions at the Paris School of Economics, the Wharton School oft the University of Pennsylvania and the University of the Andes.

He has published in leading international journals such as the Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, and the Journal of Human Resources and has authored several book chapters including one on the physicians’ market in the Encyclopaedia of Health Economics.

He has presented in over 50 academic and policy-oriented conferences and is cited in official health-policy reports in Canada, US and abroad. He has also been an invited speaker in Universities across Canada, the US and abroad and across disciplines including Economics, Medicine, Health Policy and Dentistry.

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CIRANO Publications by Pierre-Thomas Léger

As an author

1 to 5 of 11 results


Benoit Dostie and Pierre-Thomas Léger


Le Québec économique 2011 : Un bilan de santé du Québec

Luc Godbout, Marcelin Joanis, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Suzanne Bisaillon, Stéphanie Boulenger, Joanne Castonguay, Natalie Coyle, Benoit Dostie, Étienne Dumont, François Dupuis, Jim Engle-Warnick, Bernard Fortin, Pierre Fortin, Nicolas Jacquemet, Pierre-Thomas Léger, Philip Merrigan, Claude Montmarquette, Ingrid Peignier, Michelle Savoie, Bruce Shearer, Erin C. Strumpf, Wendy Thomson, François Vaillancourt, Marc Van Audenrode and 19 other authors

Experimental Economics, Strategy and International Economy, Public Finance and Health

Firm-Sponsored Classroom Training: Is It Worth It For Older Workers?

Benoit Dostie and Pierre-Thomas Léger

Labour Market

Système de paiement des médecins : bref de politique

Pierre-Thomas Léger and Erin C. Strumpf
