
Applied econometrics, econometrics of education and human resources, experimental economics



A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow from 1994 to 2021, Claude Montmarquette was Emeritus Professor in the Department of Economics at the Université de Montréal.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago, he held the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec Chair in Experimental Economics at the Université de Montréal and was President and CEO of CIRANO for more than seven years.

Over the course of his career, Professor Montmarquette has been a visiting professor at several universities. He has chaired and participated in numerous committees for the Government of Quebec and has served on many others, both nationally and internationally. He was an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1998) and a Member of the Order of Canada in 2013. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal the same year. Claude Montmarquette received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from McGill University in 2013. In 2016, he was appointed Commander of the Order of Montreal. In 2019, he was named an Officer of the Ordre National du Québec and received the Gérard Parizeau Prize for his work in educational economics.

He is the author or editor of 11 books, 90 scientific articles, and more than 60 public policy papers.

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CIRANO Publications by Claude Montmarquette

As an author

1 to 5 of 125 results

La sous-scolarisation des hommes et le choix de profession des femmes

Robert Lacroix, Catherine Haeck, Claude Montmarquette and Richard E. Tremblay


Retour des enfants à l'école : intentions des parents d'enfants asthmatiques en contexte de pandémie (COVID-19)

Olivier Drouin, Claude Montmarquette, Alexandre Prud'homme, Pierre Fontaine, Yann Arnaud, Roxane Borgès Da Silva and 1 other authors


Retour des enfants à l’école : intentions des parents d’enfants de Laval en contexte de pandémie (COVID-19)

Olivier Drouin, Claude Montmarquette, Alexandre Prud'homme, Pierre Fontaine, Yann Arnaud, Roxane Borgès Da Silva and 1 other authors


Le Québec économique 10 - Chapitre 8 - Le rendement d’un diplôme universitaire au Québec en 2015 : taux individuels et sociaux

Claude Montmarquette, Brigitte Milord and François Vaillancourt

Skills and Labour Market

CIRANO Projects

Differences in performance, achievement, and graduation between boys (men) and girls (women) and differences in disciplinary distributions

S’attaquer à la sous-scolarisation des hommes sans nuire au succès des femmes - Publié le March 20, 2023

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix, Claude Montmarquette, Richard Ernest Tremblay


Parents' perception of the risks associated with COVID-19 in relation to returning to school

Retour des enfants à l’école : intentions des parents d’enfants de Laval en contexte de pandémie (COVID-19) - Publié le May 9, 2022

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Claude Montmarquette, Alexandre Prud'homme, Yann Arnaud, Pierre Fontaine, Jolianne Bolduc

Health, Experimental Economics

Asthmatic children and return to school in the context of COVID-19: determinants of parental decisions

COVID-19 : Comprendre et agir sur l’acceptabilité sociale des mesures de santé publique - Publié le May 11, 2022

Claude Montmarquette, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Alexandre Prud'homme, Yann Arnaud, Jolianne Bolduc, Pierre Fontaine


Health at the heart of Quebec's economic recovery

La santé au cœur de la relance économique du Québec - Publié le September 3, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Claude Montmarquette, Erin C. Strumpf, Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Maude Laberge, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Thomas G. Poder, Bernard Fortin, Guy Lacroix, Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Suzanne Bisaillon, Raphaël Godefroy


Fostering Human Capital Acquisition During the Pandemic: A Profitable Investment for Jobs and Economic Growth

Favoriser l’acquisition en capital humain durant la pandémie : un investissement rentable pour l’emploi et la croissance économique - Publié le September 3, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix, Claude Montmarquette


The private and social returns to university education in Quebec in 2015: focus on mathematics

Le rendement privé et social de l’éducation universitaire au Québec en 2015 - Publié le April 12, 2021

François Vaillancourt, Claude Montmarquette, Genevieve Dufour


The determinants of university discipline choice. why choose a mathematical education?

Les déterminants du choix du domaine d’études universitaires. Une revue de la littérature et identification de pistes d’interventions - Publié le June 30, 2020

Claude Montmarquette, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Human Capital

The value of financial advice: the contribution of a third investigation

More on the Value of Financial Advisors - Publié le March 10, 2020

Claude Montmarquette, Alexandre Prud'homme

Behavioral Finance

Barriers and ways to help immigrants integrate into the labour market: the employers' perspective

Y a-t-il discrimination à l’embauche des jeunes Maghrébins au Québec ? Résultats d’une expérience contrôlée à Montréal - Publié le October 21, 2020

Brahim Boudarbat, Claude Montmarquette

Human Capital, Labour Market, Human Resources